Accents, breathings and other diacritics - Test

English translation by Bruna Pogliano

Click on Shuffle and the definitions in the right column will be displayed randomly. Now you can test your knowledge of diacritics and their combinations. Start from top of the left column, look at the marks and click on the corresponding definition in the right column, this will move upwards, next to the mark on the left. If they match correctly, the background will turn green and the square will be locked; whereas, in case of incorrect matching, the background will turn red but the square will not be locked, so you will be allowed to try again. Remember that you can restart the test whenever you want, just click on Restart; this will show the definitions in the right places again. After you finish the test, you can take it again, just click on Shuffle. Keeping an eye on the timer may prove useful. Remember that the coronis is identical to the smooth breathing, but, conventionally, its definition is always placed at the bottom of the right column.
